
Cabbagetown Real Estate Market Year in Review

Posted on January 23, 2014 in Cabbagetown



The depiction of a boxing match is not intended to create animosity between the residents of east and west Cabbagetown; it is simply meant to be awesome.

Thinking of selling in 2014? Get on the horn with us. Our marketing plan will knock your socks off.

Nicholas Humphries 416-526-2791, nick@nickandhilary.com
Hilary Browning 416-735-4665, hilary@nickandhilary.com

This analysis is of residential freehold properties that were sold via the MLS system in the calendar years 2012 and 2013. Statistics were self compiled. All properties with a commercial component, as well as multi-unit residential properties, were excluded. Multi-unit residential properties are defined as any property with 3 or more kitchens for the purpose of this analysis. Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract.

Check out last years Cabbagetown Real Estate Market report here. It’s ok to be nostalgic sometimes.