
Winter Listings & Summer Pictures

Posted on January 30, 2013 in Buying, Selling


Near the end of 2012 we wrote a couple posts about the changing season: one for sellers on how to get ready for the spring market before winter hits and one for buyers on why buying in the winter can be a great strategy.

We haven’t hit the spring market yet, but the resale freehold market appears to be doing just fine this winter. In fact, us and other agents are begging sellers to get their homes ready for the market now and not wait for spring. Good properties are receiving a healthy number of showings and several are getting multiple offers. The buyers are out there, and there isn’t much to choose from.

One challenge with selling in the winter is it’s hard to show the full beauty of the exterior of the house. Your fantastic garden, tranquil pond or pretty pathway through the backyard aren’t looking so hot, if you can see them at all. Many sellers are getting around this by providing their agent with a few pictures of their garden in full bloom, or their front yard with the maple that turns the most brilliant shades of red when fall starts. You may be moving, but there surely were times when everything was perfect and the thought of leaving was far from your mind. Share those photos. The ones that capture the very best of the outside your home.

We can make the inside look pretty in a blizzard, but a photo when the yard is perfect and the garden is glorious allows buyers to see what your property looks like at its best and imagine themselves enjoying it.