
The “HGTV Effect”: Realty Reality?

Posted on August 22, 2013 in Buying, First Time Homebuyers, The Industry


I was speaking to my neighbour the other day about a serious condition plaguing the nation: the “HGTV Effect”.

He’s an interior designer and finds himself battling this ailment on a regular basis: “What do you mean it will be two months before my kitchen is done? On TV they have it done in two segments!”

While we laugh about how the home industry is portrayed on TV (and yes, we watch the shows, too) there’s a good reason you hear a collective sigh from all of us in the business each time we tune in. Just like any reality show, the undertakings on these shows are heavily edited.

Case in point: when meeting with first-time buyers a common question is, “How long does the search take?” If we were on TV we’d look at three houses, meet for a coffee where Nick would run through some pros and cons, cut to a shot of me frantically talking on my cell phone outside, cut back to the cafe and you’ll have selected your ideal home! Maybe we should get a voice-over artist to accompany us on showings…

The truth is we have had clients find the right place on the first day out as well as months after we started looking. There are so many variables that need to all come together to buy a home. The right place might not be on the market when we start looking or there could be five great places that all would work beautifully. We’ve heard of agents who will take you out three times then force you to make a choice since there’s a “waiting list” to work them. Sure there is. Your customer service must be outstanding…

We all want to feel like a tv star at some point in our lives, just maybe not when you’re making such an expensive purchase. If your want your home buying experience to feel like reality, get in touch. We’ll treat you like a real person – without the cameras and the pressure.